Saturday, October 24, 2009

Auto Eulogies Redux

Earlier I wrote about one man's tribute to his savings account. A tribute that came in the form of a simple sticker on the back of his SUV. The touching tale of how this man lost his savings in the great stock market crash of 2008 still resonates with everyone who sees his shiny SUV.

Yesterday I saw something that took auto eulogies to a new level. We've all seen them . . . "In memory of [insert loved one's name here]." Yesterday as I pulled into work at the secret underground Woodcraft World Wide Headquarters my eyes were pulled to the rear window of a white SUV in he parking lot. In tiny white letters it said, "In memory of Trixie." My first thought was, "oh, how sad," but then I realized that Trixie is a dog, was a dog - or had been a dog.

I love my dog, but when he dies you won't find me eulogizing him on the rear window of my Jeep. I will do the respectful thing and stuff him - that way he'll always be around for me to pet.